Trailblazing associations choose Nimble Communities


Nimble Communities unifies the world’s best online community software platform, Salesforce Experience Cloud, with Nimble AMS’ leading member benefits, to deliver the most powerful membership community platform. Connect your association members to Nimble Communities to drive engagement and loyalty throughout the entire membership journey.

Choosing the right online community software platform will empower you to become a member-centric association. Discover why the top associations choose Nimble Communities.


Drive engagement, boost retention and attract new members

  • Attract young careerists through a fresh, mobile experience with immediate connections to industry knowledge, experts and peers.
  • Drive stronger connections and increase member loyalty by bringing your super members into daily contact with your value-seeking members.
  • Promote engagement and recognize your most active members with profile badges and missions.

    Personalized and tailored member journeys

    • Shape individual member journeys with personalized content feeds based on their interest and activities.
    • Promote valuable connections and networking opportunities based on common attributes.
    • Keep members coming back with tailored content and discussions to specific audiences.
    phone screenshot

    Modern member experience that exceeds member expectations

    • Empower members to connect, learn and engage on their own terms and schedule.
    • Encourage on-the-go connections and collaboration with a mobile-responsive community that can be accessed from any device, at any time.
    • Stay top of mind with a customized and branded mobile app.

    Community management made easy

    • Automate community processes to automatically place members in the right groups.
    • Add value to your community quickly through point and click pre-built association focused templates.
    • Leverage member-generated touchpoints to highlight your association’s value, engage more members and streamline your efforts.

    Nimble Communities On-Demand Demo

    See Nimble Communities in action and witness the most powerful online community for associations.

    See Nimble Communities in action and witness the most powerful online community for associations.

    click to play video
    click to play video

    Content hand-picked for you

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    Leverage your online community for maximum member engagement and loyalty

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    5 Steps to Getting Started with an Online Member Community

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    Online Community Toolkit

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    Are you ready to deliver a member-centric experience?

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    Discover why Nimble AMS is the most trusted AMS built on Salesforce.