“I just love bossy women. I could be around them all day. To me, bossy is not a pejorative term at all. It means somebody’s passionate and engaged and ambitious and doesn’t mind leading.”
-Amy Poehler
On Wednesday, a few Nimble women spent some time out of the office at the 2016 Women’s Leadership Summit in Rochester, NY. The summit consisted of a half day of learning and networking with over 600 other professional women. The keynote, given by Amy Franko, Founder and President of the Impact Instruction Group, discussed how to be a leader of impact and influence and touched on everything from learning agility to ways to cultivate resilience.
The afternoon sessions included presentations and panel discussions on a variety of topics such as negotiation skills, emotional intelligence, demonstrating executive potential, and many more. The day ended with networking and speed mentoring, which allowed attendees to sit down with successful female executives to get their advice and guidance.
Here are some of our favorite takeaways:
- In order to lead you must go first. Step out and step up!
- View time at the macro level. Think of it in terms of filling a jar. Focus on the boulders (large tasks that help you accomplish your goals), followed by the rocks, gravel and then the sand (small tasks that don’t help us reach our goals).
- Always have a personal development plan.
- Be an advocate for yourself when it comes to new opportunities, learning and career advancement.
- Don’t worry about being liked. Instead, focus on being respected.
- The higher up you go in your career, the more imperfect information you will have.
- Create a “Stop Doing” list. Include all the things that drain you and exhaust you and are unnecessary expenses against your valuable time.
Overall, It was an awesome event that energized and inspired us to continue to grow as strong, intelligent women in both our professional and personal lives. We are appreciative of the opportunity to attend and also to work for a company that sees value in sending us to events like this one.