On-Demand Webinar

Preparing for 2021 and beyond

The association business model of the future

Association Leader's Guide to Innovation

The association business model has been evolving, but then came 2020. Virtual engagement, automation and artificial intelligence were already influencing the way associations work, and this year associations have seen these trends accelerated along with their revenue streams getting turned upside down.

So, the question is, what will be the future of the association business model?

Watch this webinar to learn how you can derive opportunity from the disruption of 2020. Hear how to meet today’s member needs, actively engage new audiences, and uncover new revenue opportunities.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • What members want now and in the future?
  • How can associations be successful in this “new normal”?
  • What will the future business model look like?
  • How do you future-proof your association?


Susan Connors, General Manager, Nimble AMS Susan Connors
General Manager
Nimble AMS
Tristan Jordan
General Manager
YM Careers



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