Your board asked, we answered:

Association Management Software FAQ

Increase Revenue with Nimble AMS


76% of association professionals agree that technology is transforming their organization for the better, and 50% agree that not keeping up with the pace of technology is holding their organization back.

We know that you juggle multiple considerations when making technology purchasing decisions, including: board buy-in, member and staff experience with technology, ability to customize the technology, customer support from the technology provider, and the overall cost.

Watch this 15-minute on-demand webinar and hear the answers to frequently asked questions your board wants to know when it’s time to purchase new association management software (AMS).

We’ll cover topics such as:

  • What qualities and requirements to look for in an AMS vendor
  • The importance of integrations to offer a better member experience
  • Why your association can’t wait to implement innovative technology

Be board-ready and confident when it’s time for your association to purchase new association management software.

Presented by

Scott Sales
Association Software Expert
Nimble AMS


Watch on-demand!

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