Supporting the Lifetime Member Journey

The art of giving members what they want

How to deliver a great member experience from recruitment to renewal for students to retirees – and everything in between.

As an association professional, you know your members’ needs and expectations evolve as they move through their careers and their membership with your organization.

Are you doing all you can to give them a great experience every step of the way? It’s important to look at the member journey throughout the entire relationship with your organization and implement strategies and techniques to support members’ needs from two aspects:

1. Each phase of their career
2. Each phase of their membership experience

To support both aspects of the lifetime member journey, it’s also critically important to have integrated association-specific technology solutions in place. This approach helps your team operate efficiently and effectively, while driving membership growth, engagement, and revenue, as well as enhancing member value along the way

In this paper you’ll learn:

  • Best practices and ideas for supporting each phase of your members’ careers
  • Insights and tips for delivering value in each phase of the membership experience
  • An integrated approach to support your work throughout the lifetime member journey

Download the Member Journey by Community Brands today!

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