What to expect after launching your new association management system

Jeff Golembiewski

July 27, 2021

    Launching a new association management software (AMS) system is an exciting time for your organization. A new AMS system offers the opportunity for your association to operate more efficiently, drive more revenue, and deliver a better member experience.

    When your new AMS launches, your entire staff can settle in and get more comfortable with the new system. You can also start becoming more efficient as using the new system becomes second nature.

    But launching your new software is just the beginning of the AMS adventure.

    What should you do after your AMS launch?

    Soon, it’s time to start thinking about what comes next. How can you make further improvements? How can you refine the solution you implemented?

    The opportunities are endless, so it can help to have a strategy about what to do after launch. Here are some helpful tips.

    Tips for a successful AMS launch

    Set time limits.

    It can be easy to talk endlessly about possibilities for what you could do with your new AMS system. Set a limit on the amount of time you spend researching, discussing, and refining each round of improvements so you can keep moving forward.

    Clarify your priorities.

    When you begin talking about ways to make further process improvements and refine your AMS solution, be sure to identify and document your priorities. Having defined priorities can make it easier to stay focused as you and your team make decisions about what to do next.

    Take small steps.

    Ideally, you will continue to review your use of the AMS system and continue to evolve how you use it. So, there’s no need to bite off big changes all at once. Take small steps to continually improve your organization’s use of the AMS system.

    Don't start your next AMS selection process without this guide.

    (When we say this is the "ultimate AMS selection guide", we mean it.)

    Remember your constraints.

    As with any project, there are some constraints around what your association can and can’t do with your new AMS system. Understanding these constraints will help you make faster decisions and move forward with confidence. Some common constraints include:

    Budget – It’s a rare organization that has unlimited funds. Be sure to separate nice-to-have projects from what’s really necessary and impactful to keep your organization operating efficiently and effectively. Prioritize your list of “must-haves” so you can complete higher priority items first, then lower priority items later as budget allows.

    Requirements – Are you clear on the requirements for your initiative? If not, take some time to uncover what you need to accomplish by talking with your staff. Consider pulling your AMS vendor into the conversation to help you define what you’re trying to accomplish and how to do it most efficiently in the AMS system.

    Timeline – As you consider additions and refinements to your AMS system, think about when you want to activate the changes and work backward from that date. Ask yourself:

    • Is the project timeline feasible based on your requirements? (Be sure to include time for development, testing, and deployment.)
    • Can you change the timeline, if needed, to meet your requirements?
    • Or can you change the requirements to meet your timeline?

    Technical aptitude – Remember that while your staff likely went through training before you launched your new AMS, they don’t know everything there is to know about the system. Consider designating specific staffers to go through additional training on your new AMS so they can become “super users” in your organization.

    By understanding your AMS better, your super users can help you better understand and take advantage of all your AMS has to offer.

    For example, if you’re using a modern AMS like Nimble AMS, you can begin employing advanced approaches to membership management, including:

    Take the next step

    One of the best ways to meet your goals with your AMS system is to choose a technology partner that’s focused on your long-term success. Learn how the Nimble AMS team goes beyond simply implementing your solution to help you produce the results you expect – now and as your organization grows and evolves.

    Learn more about how Nimble AMS gives your association greater innovation, more seamless updates, and better service.

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