Your association needs to continually engage members with each other and with your organization. But how do you connect your members with industry information, networking opportunities, and other membership benefits year-round, especially when you can’t rely on face-to-face activities?
Offering an online member community is a great approach.
The power of an online member community
An online member community has the power to inspire and enable members to connect with each other and gain access to relevant content anytime from the convenience of their home, office, or wherever they are. Offering an online community is a great way to elevate and encourage networking among your association’s members. At the same time, it can make your association a part of your members’ daily social networking habits.
Meet Nimble Communities
Recognizing the power of online member communities for associations, the Nimble AMS team introduced online community functionality, Nimble Communities, to Nimble AMS.
Nimble Communities allows you to easily set up and host a branded online member community – a digital home for connections and collaboration, including member to member, staff to member, member to staff, and staff to staff. Nimble Communities is built on the Salesforce Community Cloud platform and provides the collaboration capabilities you need to drive continuous member engagement, improve member loyalty, and ultimately grow revenue.
Key features of Nimble Communities
Nimble Communities allows you to deliver the association experience to members’ fingertips – no matter where they are. Key features include:
- Branding – It’s easy to create a set of your association’s brand elements to apply to the entire community – with only a few clicks.
- Personalization – Using personalized feeds, you can display current content that matches members’ interests and show the latest discussion activities.
- Group automations – You can streamline the management of community members with automations and self-discovery options that automatically connect the right people to the right groups.
- Anytime, anywhere access – Your members can contribute and collaborate in your online community using any compatible device.
Benefits of Nimble Communities
Nimble Communities offers multiple benefits for your association and your members. Benefits include the ability for your organization to:
- Attract new members through a mobile experience that grants members access to industry news, regulations, trends, experts, and peers – all of which are among the most valued member benefits.
- Drive stronger connections and increase member loyalty by bringing the most active members into contact with less connected members, deepening connections and driving member loyalty in the process.
- Improve the member journey through personalized feeds that serve content based on each member’s interests and activities.
- Provide a one-stop shop to highlight the association’s value, reach more members, and streamline marketing efforts.
- Experience the benefits of the industry-leading Salesforce Community Cloud platform combined with unique association-specific capabilities.