3 things association CIOs should know about AMS platforms

Your innovation potential and the success of your association depend heavily on the platform on which your AMS is built.

Here’s what modern association CIOs know about the value and power of association management software systems built on enterprise CRM platforms.

Enterprise cloud platform technologies have transformed the association management software (AMS) landscape. Associations can now move beyond traditional AMS systems to leverage modern technological innovation.

Today’s associations have access to AMS systems with capabilities and features that once were available only to Fortune 500 companies – including artificial intelligence, process automation, robust application programming interfaces (APIs) and cloud computing, as well as advanced CRM, business intelligence, extensibility, security, and scalability.

Here are three things every association CIO should know about enterprise-level AMS platforms:

1. Legacy AMS systems can’t keep pace with the latest CRM technology.

Today more than ever, modern associations need to effectively manage their interactions with current and future members. Knowing your members, tracking interactions with them and being able to get useful business intelligence on membership trends are more important than ever before. Insights into your membership can help you make smarter decisions and better tailor your offerings.

Customer relationship management (CRM) platform-based AMS systems deliver the latest technology and Fortune 500-class capabilities that enable your organization’s staffers to fully understand your members and service their needs. CRM platforms spend millions of dollars delivering this level of innovation.

The days are numbered for association technologies that are not built on enterprise class platforms from providers like Salesforce. Just consider that in 2018, Salesforce spent more than $1.5 billion on research and development. In contrast, vendors of old school AMS software that is not based on a CRM platform simply do not have the funds to keep up.

TECH TIP: Salesforce is the #1 enterprise-level CRM platform. Using Nimble AMS, built on the Salesforce platform, associations have access to Fortune 500-class CRM, allowing them to interact with their data in ways that were unimaginable in the past. The result is vast improvements in customer service and improved member engagement.

2. An AMS system built on a modern CRM platform can move IT from a break/fix mode to a strategic role.

Do you want your IT team to be in the never-ending break/fix cycle of upgrades, patches, and hardware replacement? Or, do you want to leverage the team’s knowledge to help strategically move your association forward through technology such as artificial intelligence and process automation? Choosing an AMS system based on an enterprise platform can free IT from the mundane to deliver strategic value to your organization and its members.

TECH TIP: Because Nimble AMS follows the upgrade model set forth by Salesforce, Nimble AMS customers do not endure time-consuming and costly break/fix cycle of upgrades, patches, and hardware replacement.

3. The shift to platform-based AMS systems is happening.

More and more, CRM-based platforms are being considered by associations of all types and sizes. Frequently, the legacy AMS vendors are not even at the table. The modern association CIO understands the value of enterprise cloud computing and the power that these platforms bring. They aren’t considering anything else.

Your choice of AMS is a big one. It will be instrumental in the success of your organization. Your association’s efforts to remain relevant with your members require modern technology to make your organization more effective at delivering the experience your members expect. The foundation of this investment and your innovation potential depend heavily on the platform your AMS is built on.

Learn why Nimble AMS, built on the Salesforce platform, is the most in-demand association management system. Join us for our upcoming overview webinar.

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