How a modern AMS can help your association’s digital transformation

Many associations are starting to re-think their technology strategy to adapt to our changing world.   

Here’s how Nimble AMS can help your association’s digital transformation journey.

If you’re concerned about your association’s ability to stay resilient, no matter what the future brings, I hope it makes you feel better to learn that you’re not alone.  

At Nimble AMS, we’re hearing more organizations say that the challenges of the past year or so have made it clear they need to re-think their technology strategy so they can work optimally and adapt their processes as needed. They’re exploring the idea of digital transformation by beginning to think, plan, and build digitally. 

 What is digital transformation for associations?
Our partner, Salesforce, defines digital transformation as “the process of using digital technologies to create new – or modify existing – business processes, culture, and customer experiences to meet changing business and market requirements.” Salesforce also notes that digital transformation is all about the customer.  

As the association industry moves from managing business using paper and spreadsheets to using smart applications, there is tremendous opportunity to reconsider how you do business and engage with customers (members) – with digital technology supporting your efforts. 

Here’s one real-world example: American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists recently approached digital transformation with an assessment of their strategy and technology. They recognized that they needed a stronger technology infrastructure to help them work more effectively and stay agile to meet members’ evolving needs. One result of their evaluation is that they made a move to a modern association management software (AMS) system, Nimble AMS.

How a modern AMS system can help with digital transformation 
Nimble AMS helps associations collaborate effectively, streamline their operations, and engage with their members – even as they adapt to changing business needs. Here are some examples of how associations can use Nimble AMS throughout their digital transformation journey: 

  • Streamline processes.
    Nimble AMS allows your staff to save valuable time by automating complex business processes. Without code, your staff can set up automated processes in a few simple steps. For instance, using Nimble AMS, you can automate processes including
    • Email communications – Create a welcome campaign that’s automatically triggered when a new member joins. 
    • Member guidance – Much like the familiar Amazon-like shopping experience, recommend new product purchases based on past behaviors and “what other members like you purchased”. 
    • Member service – Using chatbots, automate manual aspects of member service, such as assisting with common questions, to provide immediate response 24/7 and free up staff time.
    • Reports – Set up reports to automatically run and send via email to individuals or teams on a recurring basis. This keeps your staff in the know while saving valuable time
  • Encourage member engagement year-round.
    You can maximize membership value by providing members with an online member community. An online community provides the connections and resources members care about most, year-round and from the convenience of their home, office, or wherever they are. Nimble AMS includes online community functionality called Nimble Communities, which allows you to easily set up and host a branded online member community – a digital home for connections and collaboration, including member to member, staff to member, member to staff, and staff to staff. Nimble Communities is built on the Salesforce Community Cloud platform and provides the collaboration capabilities you need to drive continuous member engagement.
  • Keep your staff and members connected. 
    Today, your staff might be working from home. Tomorrow, some might be in the office. At other times, some might be working from the road. As a cloud-based AMS, Nimble AMS gives your employees access to important member data and processes remotely from any device. So, no matter where your staff might be, they can collaborate and access the data they need to do their work.

Nimble AMS also allows members to engage with your organization – doing things like paying dues and updating their member profile from their mobile devices. And, by virtue of being built on the Salesforce platform, which offers the highest levels of security, your association’s data remains safe. 

Get started today. 

Nimble AMS is a cloud-based association management software system built on the Salesforce platform. It offers multiple features and capabilities to help your association work effectively now and remain adaptable and resilient in changing circumstances. Take just 15 minutes to see how Nimble AMS, built on Salesforce, can help you take your association into the future. 

Learn more 
These are just a few examples of how Nimble AMS can support your association’s digital transformation journey. Get your association’s digital transformation started: Explore Nimble AMS.  

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