Smart technology solutions for associations from Nimble AMS

Getting a handle on your member data and putting it to work can transform your association. 

Here’s how Nimble AMS delivers intelligent technology solutions that help your organization use member data to gain greater insights and drive new opportunities.

Your member data is powerful. It can help your entire association work more effectively by doing things like: 

  • Making more informed decisions about which programs and benefits to offer
  • Spotting trends and opportunities to improve member acquisition, engagement, and retention
  • Understanding your members better and provide a better overall member experience 

But you need the right technology in place to help you collect data, manage it, and put it to use for your organization.  

Smart technology solutions for associations
For more than 10 years, Nimble AMS has delivered intelligent technology solutions for associations. Here are three ways that Nimble AMS can help your organization use member data to gain greater insights that drive new possibilities: 

Get a handle on your data.
The 2021 Association Trends Study by Community Brands suggests that the state of associations’ member data has room to improve. Just over a third of association professionals in the study say that their member data is excellent or very good. Organizations’ member data challenges include everything from joining member data resources together for a clear picture of members to processing/using the member data. 

Having disjointed data makes it difficult to use that data effectively. Data that’s in multiple systems and spreadsheets can get outdated quickly. It’s nearly impossible to remember to update member data that’s sitting in various systems every time something changes. The next thing you know, you aren’t sure how to find the most recent information – much less use it for valuable insights.

Housing your member data in an association management software (AMS) system like Nimble AMS makes it easier to keep data clean, updated, and organized. That’s because it allows you to collect and manage member data in one central location. It also gives you the ability to allow members to update their own information through an online member portal.

TIP: Learn how to make data work for your association. Watch the on-demand webinar, Analytics for Everyone: How to Become a Data-Driven Organization.

Gain the insights you need to succeed.
Without member data in a single system, pulling together reports requires a time-consuming process of cobbling together numbers and other data from disparate systems. Even then you don’t know for sure that you’ve captured all of the latest data.

But by using Nimble AMS to manage your member data, you can:

  • Get a complete, visual representation of your organization’s data through reports and dashboards that help you make more informed decisions. Nimble AMS comes configured with multiple reports and dashboards that can be easily built on or customized.
  • Give anyone in the organization access to relevant reports and dashboards without the need for help from IT.
  • Schedule regular reports to automatically send to managers, executives, board members, or others in your organization. 

With reports you can trust, you have accurate insights into the health of your organization. You can make more precise and informed decisions. And each team across your organization can make decisions based on the same information. 

TIP: Nimble AMS is built on the Salesforce platform and integrates with the Tableau analytics solution. Using Tableau, you can gain even deeper and more complex views into your member data housed in Nimble AMS.

Put data to work through artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive analytics.
Modern technology like Nimble AMS makes it easier than ever for associations to use member data. You can create deeper relationships with people by predicting their interests and behavior, and providing them with timely, relevant content and offers that boost engagement and lead to greater sales and loyalty. 

For example, here are some specific ways you can use AI and predictive analytics capabilities in Nimble AMS to put your data to work:

  • Boost member retention by using data about past behaviors to predict if a member is unlikely to renew, and then intervening before losing the membership.
  • Increase revenue from your professional education program by predicting which members are most likely to register for a specific course or certificate program so you can better target your educational content.
  • Drive more non-dues revenue by creating a familiar Amazon-like shopping experience that recommends new purchases based on past behaviors and “what other members like you purchased”.
  • Project future fundraising results by predicting which members will donate and how much they will give.
  • Improve event registration using predictive analytics to determine which event locations will bring in the highest number of registrations and what time to open registration for your events. 
  • Help members find answers through personalized content, predicting the information that members are looking for, and providing it proactively. 

TIP: Nimble AMS Predictions in Nimble AMS uses the AI technology Salesforce Einstein to make it easy for associations to get started with AI and predictive analytics. Get an inside look at how you can benefit from predictive analytics and AI: Watch the on-demand Nimble AMS Predictions webinar.

Learn more.

Find out more about how Nimble AMS can help you wrangle your member data and put it to work for your association.

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