SObject Test Data Design Pattern

Luke Freeland

October 29, 2015

    SObject Test Data Design Pattern

    The SObject Test Data Design Pattern consists of a base SObjectTestData apex class that builds SObject records and optionally inserts them. It uses a fluent API to allow method chaining so that the code is self-documenting within test classes. For each SObject used in tests, a corresponding {Object}TestData class is created that extends from SObjectTestData. In each test class, the test methods then use the {Object}TestData classes as needed.
    Let’s see an Account example.

    Account Test Class

    public class AccountTest {
    public static testMethod void unitTestHere() {
    Account a = AccountTestData.Instance.insertAccount();
    Account b = AccountTestData.Instance.withName(‘John Wayne’)

    AccountTestData Class

    * @description Builder class for dealing with Account records.
    * Solely used for testing, NOT a data factory.
    public class AccountTestData extends SObjectTestData {
    * @description Overridden method to set up the default
    * Account state for AccountTestData.
    * @return A map of Account default fields.
    protected override Map<Schema.SObjectField, Object> getDefaultValueMap() {
    return new Map<Schema.SObjectField, Object>{
    Account.Name => ‘Luke Freeland’
    * @description Returns the SObject type for AccountTestData builder.
    * @return Account.SObjectType.
    protected override Schema.SObjectType getSObjectType() {
    return Account.SObjectType;
    * @description Sets the name on the account.
    * @param name The name that the account will have.
    * @return The instance of AccountTestData.
    public AccountTestData withName(String name) {
    return withDynamicData(Account.Name, name);
    /* Create a “with” method for each property that can be set */
    * @description Builds the Account object.
    * @return The created Account object.
    public Account create() {
    return (Account)super.buildWithReset();
    * @description Inserts the built Account object.
    * @return The inserted Account object.
    public Account insertAccount() {
    return (Account)super.insertRecord();
    * @description Gets an instance of AccountTestData.
    * @return AccountTestData instance.
    public static AccountTestData Instance {
    get {
    if (Instance == null) {
    Instance = new AccountTestData();
    return Instance;
    * @description Private constructor for singleton.
    private AccountTestData() {

    SObject Test Data Class

    * @description A fluent interface for creating and inserting SObject records.
    * Solely used for testing, NOT a data factory.
    public abstract class SObjectTestData {
    private Map<Schema.SObjectField, Object> customValueMap;
    private Map<Schema.SObjectField, Object> defaultValueMap;
    * @description Subclasses of SObjectTestData should call super()
    * from within constructors to invoke the setup() method.
    public SObjectTestData() {
    customValueMap = new Map<Schema.SObjectField, Object>();
    defaultValueMap = getDefaultValueMap();
    * @description Retrieves the value set for the specified field.
    * @param field The Schema.SObjectField whos value we are retrieving.
    * @return An Object used when constructing SObjects for the specified field.
    protected Object currentValueFor(Schema.SObjectField field) {
    Object val = customValueMap.get(field);
    if (val == null) {
    return defaultValueMap.get(field);
    return val;
    * @description Generates a map of default values for this SObjectType.
    * @return The Map of SObjectFields to their corresponding default values.
    protected abstract Map<Schema.SObjectField, Object> getDefaultValueMap();
    * @description Dynamically sets the Schema.SObjectField noted by field to value for
    * SObjects being built.
    * @param field The Schema.SObjectField to map the value to and cannot be null.
    * @param value The value for the field and can be set to null.
    * @return The instance of SObjectTestData.
    protected SObjectTestData withDynamicData(Schema.SObjectField field, Object value) {
    customValueMap.put(field, value);
    return this;
    * @description Builds an instance of SObject dynamically and sets the instance’s
    * fields from the values in the customValueMap and defaultValueMap.
    * @return an instance of SObject
    private SObject build() {
    SObject instance = getSObjectType().newSObject(null, true);
    Set<Schema.SObjectField> defaultFields = defaultValueMap.keySet().clone();
    for (Schema.SObjectField field : defaultFields) {
    instance.put(field, defaultValueMap.get(field));
    for (Schema.SObjectField field : customValueMap.keySet()) {
    instance.put(field, customValueMap.get(field));
    return instance;
    * @description Builds an instance of SObject dynamically and sets the instance’s
    * fields from the values in the defaultValueMap.
    * @return an instance of SObject
    protected SObject buildDefault() {
    SObject instance = getSObjectType().newSObject(null, true);
    for (Schema.SObjectField field : defaultValueMap.keySet()) {
    instance.put(field, defaultValueMap.get(field));
    return instance;
    * @description Builds an instance of SObject dynamically and sets the instance’s
    * fields from the values in the customValueMap. Also clears
    * the customValueMap.
    * @return an instance of SObject
    protected SObject buildWithReset() {
    SObject instance = build();
    customValueMap = new Map<Schema.SObjectField, Object>();
    return instance;
    * @description Builds an instance of SObject dynamically and sets the instance’s
    * fields from the values in the customValueMap map. This method does not
    * clear the customValueMap.
    * @return an instance of SObject
    protected SObject buildWithoutReset() {
    return build();
    * @description Inserts the built SObject.
    * @return The inserted SObject.
    protected SObject insertRecord() {
    SObject instance = buildWithReset();
    insert instance;
    return instance;
    * @description Inserts the SObject built from only the defaults.
    * @return The inserted SObject.
    protected SObject insertDefaultRecord() {
    SObject instance = buildDefault();
    insert instance;
    return instance;
    * @description Inserts a list of SObjects and ties into the before and after hooks.
    * @param numToInsert the number of SObjects to insert.
    * @return The inserted SObjects.
    protected List<SObject> insertRecords(Integer numToInsert) {
    List<SObject> sobjectsToInsert = new List<SObject>();
    for (Integer i = 0; i < numToInsert; i++) {
    SObject sObj = buildWithoutReset();
    insert sobjectsToInsert;
    for (SObject sObj : sobjectsToInsert) {
    return sobjectsToInsert;
    * @description This method allows subclasses to invoke any action before
    * the SObject is built.
    protected virtual void beforeBuild() {}
    * @description This method allows subclasses to handle the SObject after
    * it is built.
    * @param sObj The SObject that has been built.
    protected virtual void afterBuild(SObject sObj) {}
    * @description This method allows subclasses to handle the SObject before
    * it is inserted.
    * @param sObj The SObject that is going to be inserted.
    protected virtual void beforeInsert(SObject sObj) {}
    * @description This method allows subclasses to handle the SObject after
    * it is inserted.
    * @param sObj The SObject that has been inserted.
    protected virtual void afterInsert(SObject sObj) {}
    * @description Returns the SObject type for this TestData builder.
    * @return A Schema.SObjectType.
    protected abstract Schema.SObjectType getSObjectType();

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