Wave hello to winter with a new release of Nimble AMS

Your winter forecast: Cold weather, but hot new member engagement tools with Winter ‘21 release.

The journey to greater member retention, loyalty and growth, starts with boosting member engagement. With consistent member engagement, you not only grow membership, but you also increase event attendance, celebrate more legislative wins and propel your industry forward.

We wanted to make sure that Nimble AMS customers could keep members engagement hot this winter with our latest release.

Here are the exciting new features Nimble AMS customers can expect with Winter ‘21.

Nimble AMS Chapters

Ready to grow your chapter program and increase the ROI? Nimble AMS Chapters is simplifying the business of working together. Nimble AMS Chapters allows associations to create and manage their chapter needs all from the Nimble AMS platform. Associations can take advantage of the powerful features and functionality that they already know within Nimble AMS, including memberships, dues, events and Communities. Chapter members can collaborate, message and share by using dedicated collaboration groups.

We’re not sure what you will love more – strengthened engagement and collaboration with chapter leaders and members? Or the ability to help chapter leaders better understand their membership and build local activities that compliment national programming? Or quick access to data insights that will improve decision-making and ultimately drive growth at the national and local level?

With Nimble AMS Chapters, your organization has the tools to optimize chapter value and reduce the administrative and reporting burdens of chapter collaboration.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Compliance

Approximately 15 percent of the global population lives with disabilities, according to the World Health Organization. Disabilities may include vision or colorblindness, hearing, mobility and cognitive impairments, as well as learning disabilities and disabilities that develop as part of aging. We are excited to share that Nimble AMS Community Hub is now WCAG compliant and more accessible by people with disabilities!

With WCAG compliance, your association is more accessible to individuals with disabilities. With improved accessible web design, you will have more opportunities to engage with prospective members and members around the globe.

Nimble Communities

Originally released in Spring ‘20 as a closed pilot, this is now an open pilot for any interested customers! Nimble Communities connects your members to the digital community they need throughout their member journey to learn, share ideas and become loyal advocates.

Nimble Communities creates a more engaging experience for members with personalized content, seamless transitions between other member touch points, and access from anywhere with a mobile-first interface.  While your members are finding new ways to connect, you’re able to gather new and valuable strategic insights that are brought right back into your AMS.

Nimble Communities is the member benefit that your members have been begging for.

Nimble AMS User Feedback

Listening and learning from our customers is one of the most important things we can do.  Starting with our Winter ‘21 release, Nimble AMS will ask on occasion staff users for their feedback on how the product is working for them.  This will give an opportunity for our growing base to share what’s working well and areas we can improve for an even better experience. Don’t worry, the feedback survey is optional for users, and designed to be simple and quick.

In the Winter ‘21 release, a couple of features (which were introduced in previous releases) have been promoted out of Pilot/Beta status and are available for all customers to enable. These features include:

The Nimble AMS Winter ‘21 release is ready to make this a more Brr..illiant winter for our customers! To learn more about all this release offers, check out the release notes at https://help.nimbleams.com.

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