5 tips to prepare for a successful AMS implementation

Is your organization considering new association management software? The process can be long and filled with challenges.

But it’s possible to prepare your association for a successful implementation. How? Our team is here to help! 

Follow the strategies outlined in our blog to empower your organization for a successful AMS implementation.

How to prepare for a successful AMS implementation 

Are you ready to begin planning your association management software (AMS) implementation? Follow these five tips to get started: 

1. Share your existing process documents

Before you begin your AMS search, start by documenting all your vital organizational processes. Take special care to detail your membership processes, including the joining and renewal details. Additionally, outline your annual conference and how you handle event registration and planning with your current software  
Clearly documenting your organizational processes can help create a more accurate pricing quote and will identify any challenges prior to a software purchase. Take time to document your processes to put your team on track for a successful AMS implementation.

2. Embrace discovery sessions

With your key organizational processes documented, you’ll be ready to succeed in your vendor discovery sessions. Work with your software vendor to see how your new AMS will meet your organizational needs and better support your association. As you attend discovery sessions, approach the meetings with an open mind. Based on industry best practices and your unique organizational needs, your new AMS can help you optimize and improve your current processes.   

During your vendor discovery meetings, resist the urge to turn the time into wish list sessions. Stay focused on your association’s mission and goals to direct the conversation during your discovery phase. Doing so will ensure your organization gets the AMS it needs to empower staff and enhance the member experience.

3. Reconsider your business processes 

As you meet with your AMS vendor, you have an opportunity to reconsider how your association can better support its mission and goals with a new platform. Take time to consider your core organizational processes and focus on the goals of your processes, not the exact process within your current system.  
For example, there might be a new way to streamline your membership renewal process, freeing up your staff to provide an even better member experience. While reworking your current processes can take time, in the long run it will set your association up for continued success.  

4. Prioritize what you need

All associations are unique and have different software needs. Work with your AMS vendor to identify your unique needs and determine if your new AMS should be extended. For example, does your association offer a learning program and is advanced credit tracking a need? Maybe your organization features a major annual conference or monthly events and webinars, so event management and registration are a need. Confirm with your vendor that the new AMS can fully support your needs or begin plans to configure the platform. 
Working closely with your vendor team will ensure you’re getting the most out of your new AMS. You can also work with your vendor to design extended software configurations as needed. 

5. Ask questions

Work to keep communication open with your AMS vendor team. Ask questions as they occur rather than waiting and wondering if a solution will arise. When you view your implementation as partnership, you’ll be better prepared to problem solve as challenges happen.  
Your association will also better be prepared for your new AMS and the eventual organizational changes. Reaching a common understanding with your AMS vendor will make the implementation process easier and ensure success.  

Learn more about successful AMS implementation

It’s time to prepare your organization for a successful implementation! Read our free whitepaper to learn even more tips for your new AMS: Your guide to implementing association management software (AMS).

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