4 tech facts Executive Directors need to know about AMS platforms

What technology will your association invest in?

Here are four facts your organization should consider when selecting your next AMS platform.

Technology and strategy go hand in hand. According to an ASAE Foundation research report, associations that are most effective at technology management are the ones that integrate information technology (IT) into strategic planning and facilitate discussions about technology throughout the organization. That’s why it’s so important to ensure your executive director, in addition to your CIO, understands some of the key facts surrounding your association’s technology.

Take your association management software (AMS), for example. Your AMS is the technology that helps your organization manage membership and operations. The ability for your AMS to help your organization stay relevant depends heavily on the platform the AMS is built on.

So, an important question to consider is this: ​What technology will your association invest in? To start, think “enterprise cloud platform”.

Enterprise cloud platform technologies have transformed the AMS landscape. By using an AMS solution built on a modern, enterprise CRM platform, associations can move beyond traditional AMS solutions to leverage modern technological innovation.

With these things in mind, here are four facts your organization should know when selecting your next AMS platform:

1. A modern platform can attract and retain staff

You can’t deliver a great member experience without great staff. As people become increasingly tech savvy, the association technology you have in place will affect your ability to recruit talented employees today and for years to come.

Millennials (who are forecast to make up 75 percent of the workforce by 2025) expect their work systems to be as good or better than what they see in their personal apps. Generations after them will expect even more. A modern, fully mobile, state of the art AMS will help you attract and retain a top-notch workforce. ​

TECH TIP: Look for systems that offer online training and can help your staff grow professionally. For example, Salesforce offers certifications and free training. Not only will this help you ensure you are fully utilizing the product, but these are also highly desirable skills in today’s workplace. Empowering your employees with skills and certifications will help them grow their careers, while also helping you attract top-notch talent looking to use their certifications in a Salesforce-driven organization.

2. A modern platform can move IT from break/fix to strategist

Imagine being able leverage your IT team’s vast knowledge to help move your association forward through technology such as artificial intelligence and process automation. When IT can focus on other initiatives, not just upgrades, patches, and hardware replacement, they deliver more strategic value to your organization and, ultimately, your members.

TECH TIP: When considering new association tech, ask the vendor about upgrades and the process and costs behind it. It’s often time-consuming and costly, so vendor support and clear expectations and understanding from the very beginning are critical. (Or select Nimble AMS and enjoy three free upgrades every year!)

3. A modern platform will make your association more adaptable.

Technology and the expectations of members and staff are changing rapidly. You don’t always know exactly what tomorrow will bring. Just like we have to be able to change and adapt in new situations, so does your technology. A cloud-based solution that is always up-to-date will enable your organization to take advantage of the latest and greatest innovations and pivot quickly when it’s most necessary.

TECH TIP: One of the best ways to prepare for and incorporate technology trends (now and in the future) is to use systems that offer continuous delivery, so the product always includes and supports the latest and greatest features. A framework first approach also ensures the software is as adaptable as possible to take advantage of new technology innovations that are surely headed your way.

4. A modern platform helps you know your members

For your organization to remain relevant to members, it is important to have a deep understanding of your constituents. Knowing your members, tracking interactions with them, and getting useful business intelligence on membership trends are more important than ever before. In our hyper-personalized world, a one-size-fits-all approach is no longer an option. Insights into your membership can help you make smarter decisions and better tailor your offerings.

TECH TIP: If your association is not already using CRM technology, it’s time to explore it. While there are many options, the Salesforce platform is consistently considered the best. Salesforce is able deliver capabilities and features that once were available only to Fortune 500 companies – including advanced CRM, business intelligence, and artificial intelligence.

In your association’s efforts to deliver the experience your members and staff expect, you will need to invest in modern technology. Now that you know all that a platform-based AMS can do for your organization, can you afford not to move forward?

Learn more about why Nimble AMS is the most in-demand AMS built on the Salesforce CRM platform.

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